Guides to Little Saigon

Little Saigon Vietnamese Food

Guide to Vietnamese Food in Little Saigon

Vietnamese food is delicious and many. Yes so many in Vietnamese restaurants in Little Saigon. Perhaps a little knowledge on food can narrow you choices down a bit.

Little Saigon Vietnamese Coffee Shops Guide

Guide to Little Saigon Vietnamese Cafes

Vietnamese Cafes in Little Saigon are popular hang outs, mostly for the male population. The coffee shops feature beautiful girls serving coffee and other refreshment. Open from early morning to night, the cafes give customers a place to relax and coffee as well as watch sports or play games. This guide gives new comers an idea of what to expect when visiting one of these spots.

Little Saigon Quan Nhau Guide

Guide to Little Saigon Quan Nhaus

Quan nhaus are an important part of the Vietnamese culture. They are a place to drink, eat and be merry. Delicious Vietnamese food and karaoke provide a a fun and exciting night out with your friends.